Sunday, May 2, 2010

Final Concert

The 6th grade Orchestra and 6th Grade Sinfonia will present their final concert Monday, May 10th at 7pm in the Awtrey Theatre.  The students have worked so hard to prepare a concert that is enteraining yet also evident of the skills they have learned this year.  I think you will be very surprised by their ability to communicate a message to you using only their instruments. 

There will be lights, video, pictures, singing, and yes playing!!!!  I look forward to seeing you there with your family,  friends, neighbors, and EVERYONE else to cheer them on!!! 
  • All students need to wear jeans and their orchestra polo. 
  • All Sinfonia students will perform in their Sinfonia t-shirt so make sure you bring that along with your polo.
  • All students need to arrive on stage by 6:30pm ready to tune! 
Lastly all students are expected to watch the 7th grade performance immediately following their performance.  If anyone needs to leave they need to let MC know prior to Monday night's performance.

6th Grade Method Book Project

Create a  Method Book project is due Thursday, May 7th by the end of the day. Remember that you must be colorful, neat, and creative.  Your songs need to be on either staff paper or blank paper---I WILL NOT ACCEPT LINED PAPER!

There is a link below for the instructions but 6th period remember that you must also write a biography on a composer either living or dead.  Each person in the group must do their own biography and it needs to be interesting with important details such as birth date, birth place, parents, how he/ she got into music, what were their musical contributions, and lastly how did their music impact the history of music.  These biographies do not have to be long but they must be interesting.

You will have class time on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to work on these projects however we still have one piece left to learn for your concert on Monday.  If you need anything from MC just let me know.

Create a Method Book Guidelines

Sunday, March 21, 2010

6th Grade Jamboree is Monday

All students need to wear jeans (no holes), black orchestra polo, a black belt, and dark shoes.  Students need to also bring their sunglasses and wire stands for the performance.  Students will stay afterschool to eat and make last minute preparations for Jamboree.  We will leave Awtrey at approximately 5:15pm and arrive at Daniell Middle School no later than 6pm.

The actual performance for parents begins at 7:30pm but make sure you get there early because parking is limited.  Any child not traveling back to Awtrey on the bus needs to make sure they checkout with MC prior to leaving.

Any parent assisting MC with transporting instruments, serving pizza, and/or riding the bus needs to be at Awtrey by 4pm.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

EQ: How do you present an idea and convince others to follow you? How do you create a game to learn musical concepts?

Monday: Students will present their game ideas and critque their game instructions using a rubric. Students will use the techniques to learn the fist half of dragon slayer in preparation for their test on Thursday.

Tuesday:  Students will present their game ideas and critque their game instructions using a rubric. Students will use the techniques to learn the fist half of dragon slayer in preparation for their test on Thursday.

Wednesday:  Students will present their game ideas and critque their game instructions using a rubric. Students will use the techniques to learn the fist half of dragon slayer in preparation for their test on Thursday.

Thursday:  Students will finish presenting their game ideas and critque their game instructions using a rubric. Students will take a test on Dragon Slayer with their stand partner and a stand from another section. Students must play together and do the dynamics and articulations.

Friday:  Students will play the games they created to learn the terms for their upcoming terms test.

Learning Goal
Students will learn how to give a compelling presentation.
Students will learn how to apply techniques to learn new music concepts.
Students will know their terms

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Game Project

Part I of your Terms Project is still due this Friday at the end of class. 
Details:  You are to create instructions for a game that will help you learn your terms.  You must give very specific details on how to play the game and if you have specific game pieces, board, cards, etc... then you must include a drawing of those pieces.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUILD A GAME YET!  I only want instructions on a piece of paper.

You will be graded on your game's ability to teach the terms, your creativity, and your ability to explain how to play the game.  Each student/ group will present their game idea to the class and we will vote for the top three games.  Those persons who win the top three spots will receive extra credit and MC will create your game for the class to play.

6th Grade Ensemble

6th grade ensemble will meet next Thursday morning (March 11th) at 8am due to scheduling conflicts.  If any student cannot be present please send me an email letting me know as soon as possible.   We will be recording your pieces to take inventory on where we are in preparation for our Six Flags Festival.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

EQ: What are dynamics and how do you apply them to your music?

Monday:  Students will begin with a scale review and dynamics introduction.  We will focus on Alpha Beta Alpha, Soul Strings, Cinnamon, and French Folk Song.  Students should be able to play all of these songs by the end of the day or expect a test the next day.

Tuesday:  Students will begin with a scale review and dynamics overview.  We will run through Alpha and begin Happy Hoedown.  Students will also have time to work in their combos in preparation for Combo Day Part II, which is Friday.

Wednesday:  Students will have a scales test on either the C, G, or D scale both written and played.  Students will also demonstrate a knowledge of dynamics:  crescendo, descrescendo, forte, piano, mezzo, and dynamics.  The definition for these can be found in the back of either the EE book or theory book.  tudents will also have time to work in their combos in preparation for Combo Day Part II, which is Friday.

Thursday:  We will play through all scales and add slurs to our rotation.  We will focus only on Happy Hoedown with a test on the first 16 measures as a section.

Friday:  Combo Day Part II

Learning Goals:

  1. Students will learn the definition of dynamics and how apply them to their music
  2. Students will learn how to play Happy Hoedown
  3. Students will learn how to play independent parts within the Jazz genre

Monday, February 1, 2010

EQ: How do you adjust for new finger patterns within your music?

Monday:  Russian Folk Tune Test by Section and work in your combo groups if there is time.

Tuesday:  Warm-up Rhythmic Dictation, Uni-Tunes Section Assessment,  All Scales with slurs (see your scale sheet and if you need a copy see the blog), continue working on F and C naturals using your book pages 34 and 35.  Students will receive the following Jamboree Tunes:  Cinnamon, Soul Strings, and French Folk Song.  Students will be expected to know how to play these pieces by NEXT FRIDAY.

Wednesday:  Theory Thursday.....We will go over Unit 3 and the review page is due next Wednesday.  All Scales with slurs, Uni-Tunes sectional for lines 3-6, EE pages 34-35, and Jamboree Tunes.

Thursday:  Warm-up Melodic Dictation, All Scales with slurs, EE pages 34-35 with Smart Music, Uni-Tunes as a class, and combo groups if there is time---your debut performance is coming soon!

Friday:  Test on Variations on a Theme.  Grade this weeks warm-up and combo groups.

Learning Goals:
1.  Students will be able to identify the proper key signature for C Major and apply the appropriate finger pattern.
2.  Students will be able to play the C, G, and D Major Scales with slurs and hooked bowing
3. Students will learn to bow straight using only their elbow
4.  Students will learn how to improvise a melody

Sunday, January 24, 2010

When Do I Need My Instrument?

Monday:  1st hour connections--violin class
Tuesday:  2nd hour connections--viola, cello, bass class
Wednesday:  6th grade Ensemble and 1st hour connections--violin class
Thursday:  2nd hour connections--viola, cello, bass class
Friday:  Both Connections--all instruments

There are some students who are leaving their instruments at school.  I will start taking conduct points for those who use the orchestra room as overnight housing for their instrument.  If you are not touching your instrument daily then you are falling behind.


There are  13 people failing right now because they are not turning in classwork and practice logs!  Make sure you take care of this ASAP!

EQ: How do you perform in different genres and how do you apply the fundamentals of music to repertoire?

Monday (6th Period):  Warm-up Rhythmic Dictation, C Major Scale Concept piece-Unit 8 (this will be on the board and the blog), Uni Tunes and students will practice in their Jazz Combos.

Tuesday (7th Period):  Warm-up Rhythmic Dictation, C Major Scale with slurs Concept piece-Unit 8 (this will be on the board and the blog), Uni Tunes and students will practice in their Jazz Combos.

Wednesday (6th Period):  We will begin theory Unit Three and students will receive their terms worksheet.  Warm-up Melodic Dictation, C Major Concept Piece, Continue page 32 and 33 in your EE book with Smart Music, and if there is time students will work in their Jazz Combos.

Thursday (7th Period):  We will begin theory Unit Three and students will receive their terms worksheet.  Warm-up Melodic Dictation, C Major Concept Piece, Continue page 32 and 33 in your EE book, and if there is time students will work in their Jazz Combos.

Friday (Both Periods):  Test on Russian Folk Tune (#139 in your EE book) with your stand partner.  Turn in this weeks warm-up and practice log into the folder.

Learning Goals:
1.  Students will be able to identify the proper key signature for C Major
2.  Students will be able to play the C Major Scale and apply the scale to other repertoire
3.  Students will learn to bow straight using only their elbow
4.  Students will learn how to perform in a jazz combo

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

EQ: How to adjust for new finger patterns within music?

Tuesday:  Warm-up Melodic Dictation, C Major Scale with slurs, Uni Tunes C Major exercises, and Groovin for the First Time:  focus on learning the solo and background parts.  Pages 32 and 33 in your EE book.

Wednesday: Warm-up Rhythmic Dictation, C Major Scale, Continue working on pages 32 and 33 in your EE book.  Students will be broken into small combos to work on Groovin for the First Time.   We will go over Unit 3 in your THEORY BOOK TODAY!!!!

Thursday:  C Major Scale with slurs, Uni-Tunes, Groovin of the First Time.

Friday:  Uni Tunes Test (1st three lines) in quartets and Concept Learning piece with your stand partner!   Students will compose a piece for their instrument in C major during the test.  Students need to choose who they will work with in their combo and place that information in my box prior to leaving.

Learning Goals:
1.  Students will be able to identify the proper key signature for C Major
2.  Students will be able to play the C Major Scale
3. Students will learn to bow straight using only their elbow
4.  Students will learn how to improvise a melody

Monday, January 11, 2010

EQ: How to adjust for new finger patterns within music and apply advanced techniques

Monday:  Warm-up Rhythmic Dictation, C Major Scale with slurs and G string note review.

Tuesday:  Warm-up Melodic Dictation, C Major Scale with slurs, note review, and Groovin for the First Time (I will provide copies for students and place a recording on the blog).  Students will use a call-and-response as an introduction to improvisation.

Wednesday:  Paper towel project (this requires no work from students except for them to bring in a paper towel roll w/ a rubber band).  Warm-up Rhythmic Dictation, C Major Scale, G String note review:Baa Baa Black Sheep, This Old Man, Uni-Tunes.  THEORY PAGE 15 IS DUE!!!

Thursday:  Warm-up Melodic Dictation, C Major Scale with slurs, begin page 32 and 33 in your EE book. Uni-Tunes, Groovin of the First Time.

Friday:  C Major Scale Test with your stand partner!  Grade this weeks warm-up and Groovin for the First Time w/ possible solos.

Learning Goals:
1.  Students will be able to identify the proper key signature for C Major
2.  Students will be able to play the C Major Scale
3. Students will learn to bow straight using only their elbow
4.  Students will learn how to improvise a melody

Sunday, January 10, 2010

C Major Scale

This week students will learn a new scale, the C Major Scale.  They will also learn two new notes on paper (they have already played these notes in previous songs):  F natural and C natural, aka low 2.  I have attached a scale map, which students also received in class, so that students may see where their fingers go on their instrument.

The D and G scale maps are also attached for those students who made that visual aid as well.

Monday, January 4, 2010

NEW Practice Logs

6th grade students say GOODBYE to Orkadork Powers and HELLO to Practice Logs .  Practice Logs will work like so:

  • You must practice at least 20 minutes daily
  • You can choose what you want to practice but you need to practice your music for class
  • It is due EVERY FRIDAY in the folder on the wall near the out door...YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A VERBAL REMINDER
  • Your parents must sign it verifying that the info is true....NO SIGNATURE= LOSS OF POINTS
  • You must have a weekly practice goal, tell me what you practiced, and what techniques you used
  • You must complete a weekly practice reflection (ON THE BACK)
  • You must cut your practice log out and turn in the appropriate week