Sunday, December 13, 2009

This week students will be working on G string notes and their Independent Study.  Everyday we will warm-up with the G scale followed by working on pages 26 and 27 in their book for 10 mintues.  
Then students will have the rest of the class to complete their independent study.  
You may click on the link below to see a copy of the Independent Study or look look at the picture below (if you double click on the picture it should open larger in a new window).  

Monday, December 7, 2009

EQ: How do you apply theory your music while playing

Monday:  G string notes warm-up.......Review the G and D scale--you will write these scales on your warm-up and also identify the key signature.......Can-Can Test with stand partners and Test Tac Toe--worksheet to complete while others are taking their tests.  Provide students with their 1st Guided Practice Log---NO MORE COLORING :)

Tuesday:  G string notes warm-up......G and D scale using Smart Music--students will receive a grade as a section based upon their Smart Music assessment......Begin pages 26 & 27 using Smart Music.....Rhythm Study using

Wednesday:  G string notes warm-up......G and D scale handout with slur introduction........Students will make a decision on their Independent Study Piece---they can choose between Song for Maria, Banana Boat, or Jingli Nona.  Students will work with their stand partner to complete this piece.  Sectionals and This Old Man Sectional Test.  

Thursday:  Rhythm Test---this will be written based upon overview from Tuesday.  G string note quiz---students will have to write the G scale and identify notes and rhythms.......Independent Study practice time in preparation for Friday test......Smart Music ear training---students will hear a small melodic passage and then play it back as a class.

Friday:  Independent Study Test, Test Tac Toe, and Guided Practice is due.

Learning Goals

  1. Apply all skills learned thus far to teach yourself a piece of music 
  2. Recognize G string notes

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Winter Concerts

Tis the season for many concerts:
Tuesday, December 8th 4th period Orchestra will perform at NCHS at 5pm for the annual NCHS Orchestra Dinner Theatre

Tuesday, December 8th Full Symphony will play on the Band Concert Night beginning at 7pm

Thursday, December 10th  6th Grade Ensemble, 7th Grade Orchestras, and 8th Grade Orchestra will perform at Awtrey at 7pm in the theatre.

Tuesday, December 15th Vivace Ensemble will perform with the Chorus beginning at 7pm.  The orchestra will not begin performing until 7:30pm although parents are encouraged to attend the Chorus performance at 7pm.

Falalalalaaa la la la laaaaaaaaa


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wednesday Test

Wednesday:  You have a test on Ode to Joy--ARCO!!!
Today we went over this piece pizzicato as a section but tomorrow you must play with your stand partner for a test grade.  If you have any questions or need extra help please see MC during lunch or before school.

6th period:  You will have to play rFere Jacques in a round by section for a classwork grade tomorrow.
7th period:  We will work on Frere Jacques is there is time tomorrow but you will not have to play this piece for a classwork grade.
Remember our goal is Can-Can by MONDAY!!!!  WILL WE MAKE IT?

Theory Wednesday

A reminder to all students that you need your theory books tomorrow.  
6th period: page 9 is due.  All of the answers are located in Unit 1 so you should have no problems
7th period: we will begin Unit 2 tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


You guys had the ABSOLUTE BEST concert tonight.....I am so proud of you and cannot wait to celebrate for the rest of the week!!!!!! You guys worked hard and it definitely showed tonight. I cannot wait to make more music with you this year.



Monday, November 16, 2009

We Wish You a Merry Christmas


Sunday, November 15, 2009

EQ: How to prepare for a concert

You have a concert Tuesday!!! This week will be focused solely on the concert to ensure student success.
Monday: We will practice all of your pieces and we will go over proper concert etiquette.


Wednesday: We will watch your concert and reflect on the positives and areas for improvement
Thursday: We will finally play BINGO and we will do THEORY---don't forget that you have that written assessment on the video that is still located on the blog.
Friday: We will play some Guitar Hero!!!!!

This will be a very relaxed week after Tuesday because you guys have earned some time to JUST HAVE SOME MUSICAL FUN!!!!!

Learning Goal:
  • Apply the principles of melody, rhythm, and tone to create music
  • Demonstrate an understanding of proper concert etiquette
  • Demonstrate an understanding of basic rhythm concepts

6th Grade Concert Playlist

Pizzicato Songs
Hot Cross Buns-Melody and Bass Line
Mary Had a Little Lamb--Melody and Bass Line
At Perriot's Door--Melody and BassLine
Twinkle Twinkle
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Down by the Station

Arco Songs
Jingle Bells
Old MC
Buckeye Salute
Two by Two
Good King Wincelas
Bile Em Cabbage Down

Special Songs
Charlie Brown
Halloween Song
Chain Hang Low
I Got a Feeling

We Wish You a Happy Thanksgiving--Special Surprise for Parents

6th Grade Informance

The 6th grade Orchestra students will have their debut on stage, Tuesday, November 17th at 3:30pm and 7pm in the theatre. The 3:30 performance is just a dress rehearsal to work out any kinks that may arise. Parents, family, friends, and students are welcome to attend the 3:30 dress rehearsal but please come back for the 7pm show to see the final product.

The mighty Orkadorks have worked really hard this year and I promise you will be amazed with their progress thus far. I call it an Informance because it is a way for you to see what we do everyday during class. You will experience singing, dancing, competitions, and of course GREAT MUSIC! Come reading to have a good time cuz, I Got a Feeling that we have many surprises for you!

All students need to be in the theatre seated with their instrument no later than 6:30pm on Tuesday. Students need to bring their concert attire (khaki pants, black shoes, black socks, and black belt to school on Tuesday because they will need it for the 3:30 dress rehearsal. I will give students their polo shirts Tuesday afternoon when they come to class. If you still need to purchase a polo please send the $16 to school in a school envelope.

Also all violin and viola students need to put their instruments in the theatre Tuesday morning so that there is no need to go downstairs. Cellos will need to come get their instruments from downstairs but NOT BASSES.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Got a Feeling

Click on the link below to learn the notes for I Got a Feeling. It is sheet music for all instruments with the melody part except basses I included your part so that you could see the rhythm. 


Chain Hang Low

Chain Hang Low
La So Fa Fa Fa
(g string) La Ti Do Re Do Ti Do
Fa So La La La
Fa So Las So So
La So Fa Fa Fa
(g string) La Ti Do Re Do Ti Do
Fa So La So Do

The notes in red are the only notes on the G string

Sunday, November 8, 2009

EQ: How do you combine the fundamentals of music to create a quality performance

Learning Goals:

Play a quality performance with good tone, accurate intonation and rhythm.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Extra Note Practice

Do you need extra help reading your notes then please click on the music theory link below then go to settings and make sure only your clef is enabled (click on the actual clef to enable or disable a clef).

Once you have completed the note trainer print a copy of your score and bring it to MC for extra credit.

Special Assignment

All 6th grade students need to click on the link below to watch the video lesson on note duration. Students will have a written assignment next wednesday based upon the the video lesson. Make sure you understand the last slide of the video and study it carefully.

What are the principles of tone and how do you apply it to your sound?

Wednesday: D Major in Thirds Test (sections), D major scale warm-up--half notes, walk walk, and running running. ALL STUDENTS WILL NEED THEIR THEORY BOOK WEDNESDAY! We will be working on Unit One which will be due next Wednesday.
Buckeye Salute line 2---say the rhythm, play the rhythm, say the notes, play the notes, work measure by measure.
Two By Two---what is a time signature and how does it affect your counting. Say the rhythm, play the rhythm, look at the pattern of the notes, is this a scale?

Thursday: D major scale warm-up, aural exercise---i play the notes, you copy them(melodic dictation).
Rhythm powerpoint---clap it, say it, stomp it
Play Buckeye Salute for you stand partner---evaluate them using the playing test rubric, what can you do to improve for your test tomorrow?
Two By Two and play by sections for a grade.

Friday: Buckeye Salute test and complete the Test Tac Toe

Learning Goals:
  1. Play Buckeye Salute with good tone and posture
  2. Learn the thirds pattern by ear
  3. Basic understanding of music theory

Monday, October 26, 2009

EQ: How do you achieve good intonation?

Monday: Orkadork Power Test---choose either Matthews March or Christopher's Tune to play with your stand partner for a grade.

Tuesday: D major scale with thirds, begin Old MC, Bow exercises--spider, windshield wipers, the wheels on the bus.....Review all old songs using the bow, melodic dictation, and learn the special song :)

Wednesday: D major scale with thirds, review Old MC, page 20 in your book with the CD.

Thursday: D major thirds test as a section, BINGO, melodic and rhythmic dictation, and YOU NEED YOUR THEORY BOOK!!!

Friday: Old MC test (Old MacDonald page 13 in the book) and Test Packet. For those students who failed the note speed reading assignment you will have to retake this today as well.

Learning Goals:
  1. Play Old MacDonald
  2. Play old songs (Twinkle, Hot Cross Buns, Mary, Down By the Station, and Perriot)with proper bow grip, proper posture, and together.
  3. Use their ear to determine patterns in music to aid them in their performance
  4. Recognize basic notes and rhythms in a timely fashion (2 minutes)

Monday, October 19, 2009

EQ: How do you read melodic and rhythmic notation?

Monday: D major scale with thirds.....Hot Cross Buns, Twinkle, Charlie Brown, Perriot, and Mary had a Little Lamb (ARCO).....note reading exercise, and begin Jingle Bells 1st line pizzicato. We will be focusing on note reading today so make sure you have your cheat sheet.

Tuesday: D major scale with thirds.....rhythm reading exercise, rhythm BINGO, Jingle Bells (1st two lines), and Hot Cross Buns rhythmic dictation.

Wednesday: BINGO.....rhythmic dictation exercise, listening log, Jingle Bells--the entire song pizzicato. Bow exercises---we will play spider today and have a competition to see who is the BEST!!!

Thursday: Note reading exercise, melodic dictation, play all songs ARCO--Hot Cross Buns, Twinkle, Mary, Perriot, and Charlie Brown. Jingle Bells mock test with stand partner in preparation for tomorrow's test.

Friday: Note Reading/ Rhythm Test and Jingle Bells Test (pizzicato).

Learning Goals:
  1. Play D major scale with thirds ARCO
  2. Read music quickly
  3. Identify and play standard rhythms
  4. Play beginning songs ARCO
  5. Play Jingle Bells

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What are the fundamentals of music?

This week in 6th grade instead of giving you a play-by-play for everyday, you will get a VIDEO!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009



Remember that you will play No. 21 in your book (Lightly Row) for a grade tomorrow during class. Use your CD while you are at home practicing to prepare for class.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

EQ: How do you use the bow?

You will receive scale sheets for the D and G major scales plus arpeggios. We will use the tic tac box to learn the beginning bow grip and we will learn how to read music. For this entire week we will be learning pages 4-13 in your book along with Down by the Station.

Wednesday you will have a test on Down by the Station melody only.

Thursday and Friday you do not need your instrument so DO NOT BRING YOUR INSTRUMENT TO SCHOOL!!!!
You will be working on your bow project, which is due Monday, October 12th.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

6th Grade Sinfonia

Sinfonia invitations(6th grade advanced ensemble) will be given out Monday during class. If you receive an invitation please make sure you attend the first rehearsal Wednesday morning at 8am with your signed contract.
Since we missed so much school last week, I have modified last weeks blog for this week. Remember that your bow projects are due Monday, October 12th and you will have three days in class to work. I will not accept late projects !!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

EQ: What are the fundamentals of string playing in playing position?

Monday: Vocal Warm-up, Bow Grip Exercise #1...steps 1-5 on a pencil and don't forget to bring your empty tic tac box. Rhythm lines #2.......1-5. Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb and Twinkle in playing position....steps 1-8 to prevent chicken killers!!! Review Go Tell Aunt Rhody and students will get their Orkadork Power today. SPOTLIGHT--this is where students play for their class anything that they have been working on! Last week Nathanel played Viva la Vida by Coldplay. Students will receive their Bow Project details today and if they lose it look under 6th grade resources for a copy.

Tuesday: Vocal Warm-up, Bow Grip Exercise #1 on a pencil, Rhythmic Dictation, G Scale along with the new notes, Rhythm Lines #2, and Go Tell Aunt Rhody melody/ bass line in preparation for your test Wednesday.

Wednesday: Vocal Warm-up, Bow Grip Exercise #1 using the tic tac box, Listening log, Go Tell Aunt Rhody Test and Charlie Brown.

Thursday: Vocal Warm-up, Rhythm Line #2..... 1-5 for a grade as a section. Bow Grip Exercise #1 using the tic tac box.....make sure your middle fingers wrap around the middle of the tic tac box, your first finger just lazily hangs there, your pinky finger is on top of the stick and your thumb pokes out on the side of the tic tac box on the red dot. LOOK FOR THE VIDEO ON TUESDAY. Go Tell Aunt Rhody melody and bass line in playing position.

Friday: Vocal Warm-up, Charlie Brown Test. Test packet will be a word search with terms, Chain Hang Low melody, Down By the Station melody, and note identification--please make sure you turn this in because it is an easy A and helps prepare you for next week.

Learning Goals:
  1. Play all songs in playing position
  2. Learn the proper bow grip using a tic tac box---NO BOW..DON'T EVEN TOUCH IT :)
  3. Evaluating music based upon its components--rhythm, melody, timbre, genre, and era
  4. Learn Charlie Brown and Go Tell Aunt Rhody
  5. D and G scales
  6. Begin applying rhythm to the songs they have learned

Sunday, September 13, 2009

EQ: What are the fundamentals of string playing?

Monday: Vocal Warm-up, Bow Grip Exercise #1--steps 1-3. Rhythm Lines 1-4....for a grade by section. Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb, At Perriot's Door and Twinkle----melody and bass line for all songs. Violins and violas will learn how to hold their instrument in playing position.

Tuesday: Vocal Warm-up, Rhythm Lines 5-7....use your instrument like a drum. At Perriot's Door and Twinkle---melody and bass line for both songs. Violins and violas will review how to hold their instrument in playing position while cellos learn how to play in III position.

Wednesday: Vocal Warm-up, Bow Grip Exercise #1--steps 1-3. Rhythm Lines 8-10.......march in your chair. Listening Logs---you must turn these in. Twinkle and Go Tell Aunt Rhody---melody and bass line for both songs. Violins and violas will begin playing in playing position for half the class. At Perriot's Door melody and bas line section test.

Thursday: Vocal Warm-up, Rhythm Lines 5-10.....for a grade by section. Twinkle Pre-Test and Go Tell Aunt Rhody---melody and bass line.

Friday: Vocal Warm-up, Test packet: Reflection, rhythmic dictation, and write the melody/ bass line to Go Tell Aunt Rhody. Twinkle Test--melody and bass line

Learning Goals: (all playing should be with correct posture, superman fingers, no broken wings, thumb on thumb pad, and no thuds.)
1. Play At Perriot's Door (melody and bass line)
2. Play Twinkle (melody and bass line)
3. Perform Rhythm lines 1-10 as a section together
4. Write the melody/ bass line to Go Tell Aunt Rhody
5. Violins and violas perform in playing position
6. Cellos play Hot Cross Buns in third position
7. Begin learning how to how the bow