D Major in Thirds Test (sections), D major scale warm-up--half notes, walk walk, and running running.
ALL STUDENTS WILL NEED THEIR THEORY BOOK WEDNESDAY! We will be working on Unit One which will be due next Wednesday.
Buckeye Salute line 2---say the rhythm, play the rhythm, say the notes, play the notes, work measure by measure.
Two By Two---what is a time signature and how does it affect your counting. Say the rhythm, play the rhythm, look at the pattern of the notes, is this a scale?
Thursday: D major scale warm-up, aural exercise---i play the notes, you copy them(melodic dictation).
Rhythm powerpoint---clap it, say it, stomp it
Play Buckeye Salute for you stand partner---evaluate them using the playing test rubric, what can you do to improve for your test tomorrow?
Two By Two and play by sections for a grade.
Friday: Buckeye Salute test and complete the Test Tac Toe
Learning Goals:
- Play Buckeye Salute with good tone and posture
- Learn the thirds pattern by ear
- Basic understanding of music theory