Monday: G string notes warm-up.......Review the G and D scale--you will write these scales on your warm-up and also identify the key signature.......
Can-Can Test with stand partners and Test Tac Toe--worksheet to complete while others are taking their tests. Provide students with their 1st Guided Practice Log---NO MORE COLORING :)
Tuesday: G string notes warm-up......G and D scale using Smart Music--students will receive a grade as a section based upon their Smart Music assessment......Begin pages 26 & 27 using Smart Music.....Rhythm Study using
Wednesday: G string notes warm-up......G and D scale handout with slur introduction........Students will make a decision on their Independent Study Piece---they can choose between Song for Maria, Banana Boat, or Jingli Nona. Students will work with their stand partner to complete this piece. Sectionals and
This Old Man Sectional Test.
Thursday: Rhythm Test---this will be written based upon overview from Tuesday. G string note quiz---students will have to write the G scale and identify notes and rhythms.......Independent Study practice time in preparation for Friday test......Smart Music ear training---students will hear a small melodic passage and then play it back as a class.
Friday: Independent Study Test, Test Tac Toe, and Guided Practice is due.
Learning Goals
- Apply all skills learned thus far to teach yourself a piece of music
- Recognize G string notes