Tuesday: D major scale with thirds, begin Old MC, Bow exercises--spider, windshield wipers, the wheels on the bus.....Review all old songs using the bow, melodic dictation, and learn the special song :)
Wednesday: D major scale with thirds, review Old MC, page 20 in your book with the CD.
Thursday: D major thirds test as a section, BINGO, melodic and rhythmic dictation, and YOU NEED YOUR THEORY BOOK!!!
Friday: Old MC test (Old MacDonald page 13 in the book) and Test Packet. For those students who failed the note speed reading assignment you will have to retake this today as well.
Learning Goals:
- Play Old MacDonald
- Play old songs (Twinkle, Hot Cross Buns, Mary, Down By the Station, and Perriot)with proper bow grip, proper posture, and together.
- Use their ear to determine patterns in music to aid them in their performance
- Recognize basic notes and rhythms in a timely fashion (2 minutes)